outstanding poetry since 1986
There is NO FEE for the Open Reading Period.
The Comstock Review is proud of its long-established reputation of publishing the finest known and unknown poets anywhere. We choose our poems solely on the basis of what we consider their artistic merits. We are not swayed by long publishing histories. We are not afraid of the avant garde but shy from the overly obscure, the patently religious, and needlessly graphic language.
Our editors appreciate: well-crafted verse, traditional or nontraditional, consistency of metaphor, refreshing distinctive imagery and diction, effective use of poetic devices and sonic qualities, a theme or approach that casts new light on the world and the human condition, and a poem that tickles your brain long after the page has turned.
The Comstock Review Contributor’s Guidelines
We do not publish poems under 10 lines or over 60 lines including stanza breaks, epigraphs etc.
The maximum line length cannot exceed 70 characters including spaces and punctuation etc.
Poems must be your original work, unpublished in ANY medium, print or electronic. Do NOT submit AI-generated poetry.
Notify us immediately of withdrawals. If you want to withdraw only one poem, send us a message.
Once we accept a poem, The Comstock Review reserves first refusal rights in the case of simultaneous submissions.
Submit your poems as a Word document. Editors' eyes appreciate the use of standard fonts and size such as Times New Roman 12 or Calibri 12
Limit each online submission to 5 poems. You may submit more than one time per reading period.
Do not put your name on the poem submission document(s), so judging can be impartial.
Replies will be sent within 2 months after the close of the reading period (2024 was delayed).
Acceptances are published in either Issue 1 or Issue 2 of the current year. (Issue 2 is released in Feburary of the following year).
Candidates for Pushcart nominations are selected from the current year's accepted poems.
Subscribe and support The Comstock Review. You will receive two issues in the current volume (year). Enjoy a year of intriguing poetry while supporting the printed word!
Subscriptions are critical to our mission of continuing to support poets and poetry readers. In fact
We have no broad institutional support and don't sell any advertising in our journal. We cover the costs of publishing The Comstock Review through contest fees, sales of the journal and winning chapbooks, small donations
- and subscriptions from supporters like you.
Poets and readers supporting poets together. What could be better?
Please enter your name and current mailing address below. Winner of the most recent Comstock Writers' Group Chapbook Contest
Own your own copy of ted Kooser's latest chapbook, AT HOME, while supporting the Comstock Review as well. $12 plus online fees.
If you need to order several copies, do it by mail. You will save on internet costs!
Be sure we have your correct mailing address.
The issue will be mailed within 2 weeks
Help us fulfill our mission to support the poetry community by encouraging poets to publish their work and increasing readership by providing a home in our publications for good poetry.
Winner of the 2016 Comstock Writers' Group Chapbook Contest
Own your own copy of Ted Kooser's latest chapbook, AT HOME, while supporting the Comstock Review as well. $14 plus online fees.
If you need to order several copies, do it by mail. You will save on internet costs!
Please include your name and address for successful mailing.